Come and Visit Sri Lanka..
Sri Lanka is a tiny tear drop shaped island in the Indian Ocean. It is the essence of South Asia, you can find the attractions of neighboring India and Maldives in this land which is a hundred times smaller than India.

Around 400,000 tourists visit the country each year to take in the sun the sea and the sand. Sri Lanka is a great tourist destination and has a wide range of geographic features and is rich in natural beauty. Large parts of the country is covered in tropical forests, with hundreds of rivers flowing through them, often cascading in awesome waterfalls.

Sri Lanka is called "The Perl of Indian Ocean" for the Centuries, Because of It's natural beauty.

Buddhism is the lime light of Sri Lankan Civilization from ancient times. Everything about Sri Lankan life is related to Buddhism. Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka is called Theravada of which the main focus is to give priority to the philosophy of living a simple life.
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Also Try:
- http://www.tourism-srilanka.com/
- http://www.srilankatourism.org/
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